Arkansas Suggested Riding Routes

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Route Description Map and Directions

Petit Jean State Park and the Rockefeller Museum of Automobiles

144 Miles Round Trip

A half-day ride up to the Petit Jean State Park and and you might visit the Rockefeller Museum of Automobiles.  Located on Petit Jean Mountain, the Museum of Automobiles was founded in 1964 by the late Arkansas Governor, Winthrop Rockefeller.  It housed his collection of Antique & Classic Automobiles until 1975, when the Collection was sold, and the building and grounds donated to the State of Arkansas, Department of Parks.

An easy half-day ride but  you might want to take the whole day.

The Museum of Automobiles, Inc.
Petit Jean Mountain, 8 Jones Lane
Morrilton,  Arkansas   72110
Phone : 501-727-5427
Fax : 501-727-6482
Email :

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Mount Nebo State Park

143 Miles Round Trip

A half-day ride up to Mount Nebo State Park.  Rising 1,350 feet above the Arkansas River Valley, Mount Nebo offers spectacular views. The mountain has been attracting travelers and settlers for over 100 years when a resort hostelry was operated on the mountaintop for steamboat travelers. In 1933, a portion of the mountain was chosen as a park site, and logs and stones from Mount Nebo were used by the Civilian Conservation Corps to construct many of the park's bridges, trails, charming Rustic-style cabins and pavilions.

NOTE: Highway 155 zigzags up the mountain and includes very sharp hairpin curves.  

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Magazine Mountain State Park and Shirley's Outback

178 Miles Round Trip

A half-day ride up to Magazine Mountain State Park.  

Named by French explorer’s for its barn-like silhouette, Mount Magazine rises over the sprawling Arkansas River Valley in west central Arkansas. At 2,752 feet above sea level, Mount Magazine is the highest point in Arkansas.

Here, you’ll enjoy magnificent vistas of the broad river valley, the surrounding Ozark National Forest and distant mountains like Petit Jean and Mount Nebo. Mount Magazine has lured and fascinated explorers, naturalists, scientists and travelers for centuries.

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Harrison Run

337 Miles Round Trip

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Harrison Bull Shoals Ferry Ride

402 Miles Round Trip

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Pig Trail via Jasper (Tilly/Hector Return)

A ride through some of the best roads for motorcycling in the Central United States.  Part of this route follows along Arkansas HWY 16, a.k.a. the Pig Trail.  Twists, turns, and sweepers along the entire route will make this a very enjoyable day of spirited riding.

At the junction of HWY 7 and HWY 123 near Sand Gap, you can make a decision to take the westerly route via Fort Douglas and Bullfrog Valley or take the easterly route via Tilly and Hector.  The choice is yours.

343 Miles Round Trip

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Pig Trail via Jasper (Fort Douglas/Bullfrog Valley Return)

A ride through some of the best roads for motorcycling in the Central United States.  Part of this route follows along Arkansas HWY 16, a.k.a. the Pig Trail.  Twists, turns, and sweepers along the entire route will make this a very enjoyable day of spirited riding.

At the junction of HWY 7 and HWY 123 near Sand Gap, you can make a decision to take the westerly route via Fort Douglas and Bullfrog Valley or take the easterly route via Tilly and Hector.  The choice is yours.

322 Miles Round Trip

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Eureka Springs

An ALL-DAY excursion takes you to some of the most beautiful spots in Arkansas.  The first part is spent riding up the Scenic Byway 7 and the top half of the Pig Trail.

If you adventurous, you can select any number of alternate return routes, such as HWY 21/HWY 74 through Jasper, HWY 21/HWY 16 through Edwards Junction, or just meander down US 65 all the way down to Conway and I-40.  The choice is yours.

404 Miles Round Trip

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Queen Wilhelmina Lodge / Talimena Skyline Drive

A ride up to the Queen Wilhelmina Lodge and ride the incredibly fun Talimena Skyline Drive.  Atop Arkansas's second highest peak, this cloud-capped hideaway reigns above the Ouachita Mountains. Located on the Talimena Scenic Drive, the park is as rich in history as in scenery. In the late 1800s, a resort hostelry named Queen Wilhelmina Inn, in honor of the Queen of the Netherlands, was built on Rich Mountain by the Kansas City, Pittsburgh and Gulf Railroad. Since then, two inns have replaced the original "Castle in the Sky" the latest is this state park's focal point. The modern lodge offers 36 guest rooms plus two "Queen's Rooms" with fireplaces, and a restaurant serving fine Southern fare. 

274 Miles Round Trip

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Mountain Pine/Strawberry Road/Top of Lake Ouachita

A ride up HWY 227 to Mountain Pine for a quick look over the Blakely Dam of Lake Ouachita.  Meander along Strawberry Road through Hot Springs Village to Scenic Byway 7.  An easy, laid back ride on HWY 298 across the top of Lake Ouachita.  Zip down HWY 27 through Story and Mount Ida (pronounced eye-dee).  And return back to Hot Springs via US 270.  

99 Miles Round Trip

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