Riding Styles

When it comes to styles of riding, each person has their own style. 

It is the mix of actions on how a rider controls the bike and negotiates the road.


A variety of styles can be observed while following various riders.

The way we sit on the bike, how much we move around, our arm position, body upright or leaning forward, where we are looking, how we react to direct the bike shifting, braking, accelerating, turning inputs, how we use our legs and where we place weight on the bike.

All of these are part of an individual riders style and can effect the results of how the rider and bike move down the road. 


We all react and do what we feel comfortable with even though it may not be text book. We learn each time we take a ride by trial and error.

Reading text materials and watching good riders is always a good source of information and can help us understand how to mix the actions together and improve our skills.

There is huge difference in understanding what to do and actually implementing a skill because so much is occurring constantly while riding.

A very important point if attempting to change the way you ride is make small changes and work on a few items at a time.

Attempt to make the change instinctive and not something you have to think about.

Other wise it uses up too many of your mental resources that should be directed to the road.

Practice and riding and more riding is the best way to achieve improvement to your skills. So get out and ride.


Group riding can be great fun because you can share the riding experience with other riders and discuss different techniques, but it can be challenging also.

You then have to be alert to what other riders are doing in front and behind you, especially with riders you are unfamiliar.

That can use up some of the mental resources normally used for the road.

If you are concentrating on a rider in front of you and not the road then the risk of missing a turn or your actions may be delayed or off somewhat.

Back off a little and work on not directly watching the rider. An important thing to learn while riding in a group is knowing each others riding style and abilities, then providing the safety margin that is deserved to your fellow riders.


If you are experimenting with different techniques and styles allow a larger safety margin to other riders, it might be better to ride at the back of the group if you are working on your riding style and if you detect that someone riding is experimenting provide them more room. Always allow more room between yourself and new, unfamiliar and less experienced riders. Ride at only "Your" comfort level. It is ok to challenge yourself to learn but it is wise to leave the ego at home. Do not be forced into a riding zone that you are not under control of your bike.


If it has been a long day of riding and you are getting tired, back off a bit. That is only common sense and that way another day of riding will come.


A riding style on a motorcycle, especially in a street environment, is a lot about not upsetting or working against the bike as it performs it tasks. If you are jerking, pulling, braking at inappropriate times, sitting in odd positions, erratic with the throttle, etc., you are unsettling the bike. It is not the bikes problem if you are doing these things. Learn to be smooth and consistent when making adjustments to the bike.


Work on improving your style and they should become instinctive. That makes you feel more comfortable on the bike and makes your riding day even better.


So get out and ride.

Every day riding is a good day.